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Message from Vanier...
Published on Sep 10, 2019 15:33

We have had a very successful start to the school year.  At this time, we kindly request that school policies and procedures be reviewed with your son/daughter. More detailed information regarding school policies, procedures and code of conduct can be found on our website under ‘For Students’ in the electronic version of the Student Handbook on the school website. These expectations have also been reviewed with students at grade level assemblies and with classroom teachers.

 Attendance:  Daily attendance in school is imperative for the academic success of your son/daughter. Students are expected to attend all classes daily, unless prevented from doing so by personal illness or family emergency. If your son/daughter is going to be absent from or late to school or a class, parents are asked to contact attendance at 705-445-2043 x353 PRIOR to the start of the school day on the day your son/daughter is going to be absent or late. There is an answering machine 24 hours per day.
If a parent/guardian phone call is not received the day of the absence by 3:00 pm, students are responsible for providing a parent/guardian note to the Attendance Office prior to 8:45 am upon return to avoid further missing class time. Absences not resolved prior to the start of class will be dealt with as truancies. Consequences for truancies include detention, internal suspension or out of school suspension.

 Punctuality:    Being on time is so important for academic success! Students must arrive to school and all classes on time. In addition, arriving on time will also avoid interruptions to the learning of their classmates. Consequences for tardiness to class include detention, internal suspension, and out of school suspension. Please remind your son/daughter of the importance of being on time for class.

Class Preparedness:   Students are expected to arrive to class prepared to learn, with all necessary school supplies, notebooks, textbooks, and all assigned work completed.

Uniform:   It is our hope that students wear their uniform with pride as a visual representation of our school. Students are to be in full uniform each day and will not be permitted in class unless in proper uniform. Students are not permitted to change into other clothing attire throughout the school day, including between classes or at lunch. Please review the uniform policy with your son/daughter. Your assistance with ensuring that your son/daughter adheres to the uniform policy is greatly appreciated.

See our Student Handbook on our website (under the "For Students" tab) for the complete list of Policies and Procedures.

Please visit our website for all (and updated) upcoming events!